GIVING SPIRIT FORM AROSE out of my own purpose, a deep commitment to lovingly inspire and catalyze people's relationship to their own True Nature, Mother Earth, and Great Spirit. For as long as I can remember my passion has been ignited by exploring my relationship to myself, my intimacy with others, my love of the natural world and my deep and abiding sense of Spirit.

    WHAT COMPLELLED ME on my spiritual journey was a deep desire to know love and freedom… to directly experience the essential beauty of my being and my connection to all my relations. I wanted to recognize the truth, and to shed its light on anything that obstructed my direct experience as a Sacred being. I wanted to come home to myself. Over time, I realized the answer was within and the illusion of obstruction was only kept in place by the grip of my personality, held in place by my judge. What has most helped me to soften my defenses and to become more permeable are the tools of self-inquiry and commitment to Spirit. From this exploration my life purpose evolved to help facilitate others on their spiritual journey.

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  • Certified by Seena Frost as a Soul Collage® facilitator
  • On-going Enneagram/Diamond Heart work with Sandra Maitri (12 years)
  • Sundancer at the Ina Maka Sundance in Rosebud, South Dakota, for 16 years
  • Adopted into the Dakota and Lakota tribes
  • Studying over the last 20 years with Native American spiritual leaders including Rick Thomas from the Santee Sioux Tribe of Nebraska, Lessert Moore from Pine Ridge, South Dakota, Norman Running and Francis and Janice Morrison from Rosebud, South Dakota
  • Certification in the Red Road Approach with Rick Thomas of the Santee Sioux Tribe
  • Participating for 10 years at the Conscious Living Center in Oakland, with Jett Psaris and Marlena Lyons, creators of the Undefended Love Approach
  • Certification in Conscious Relationship Transformation with Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks,The Hendricks Institute
  • Completing a three year program in shamanic practice with Angeles Arrien
  • Advanced shamanic training with Michael Harner, Institute for Shamanic Practice
  • Working with Leslie Gray, Native American Shamanic Psychologist
  • Dream work/ Dream theater with Jeremy Taylor and Jessica Allen
  • Intuition training with Helen Palmer
  • Aikido as clairsentient practice with Wendy Palmer
  • Studying the Western occult tradition with Diane di Prima, San Francisco Institute for the Magical & Healing Arts
  • Life work as an artist
  • Psychological counselor, Re-Entry Services in Martinez & Concord
  • BA in Art & English, UC Berkeley
  • Graduate studies in psychology, UC Hayward

And to all those who have participated in
Giving Spirit Form over the last 30 years

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